What We Can Do For You...
What We Can Do For You...Unpacked

The design and layout of our homes are often not the perfect fit for us, and sometimes just being home alone is a little challenging.
This is the reason we come out to you to assess the inside and outside of your home. A home safety assessment helps us identify things in your home that makes it helpful or difficult for you to complete your everyday tasks. The goal of this assessment is to make tasks easier, improve safety and increase your independence at home.
We understand that a home is personal and respect that changing your home is not always possible. For situations like this, we can recommend other ways to modify your home to best suit you. This can include anything from relocating furniture, using equipment or “assistive technology” and providing tips, or what we call our "life hacks".
At Reclaim Therapy, we are a registered provider with the NDIS (National Disability Insurance Scheme) and our therapists are experienced with the planning and reporting requirements. If you are a NDIS participant or are looking to apply for NDIS funding, we can support and advocate for your needs.
As everyone has different goals and needs, it is our pleasure to work with you and build a plan application that best suits you. A report with assistance from an Occupational Therapist will help the NDIS planner understand your needs, and impact the decision that the NDIS will make around allocating funds for your needs. Our therapists can assist you in building a report that identifies how your disability or condition affects your everyday life. This will also assist you with setting goals that will make a substantial difference in your life.

Wheelchairs are examples of “assistive devices”, as they assist with walking and increase a person’s independence. Wheelchairs for occasional uses are common and have many different purposes. This includes occasional use wheelchairs for long travels or on a temporary basis following an injury, illness or surgery.
To find the most suitable wheelchair for you, an Occupational Therapist will be required to do an assessment with you. Depending on how often the wheelchair is being used and the different terrains you travel on, the therapist will find a wheelchair that best suits your needs. Once this assessment is completed, you will begin wheelchair trails with potential wheelchairs. It is here that you get to try using wheelchairs around your home and decide on the right one for you.

If you are looking for support to get an electric wheelchair, or have one but want some training or adjustments - then we can certainly assist as well.
Electric wheelchairs give so much freedom when well matched to the needs of the individual. With so many on the market, and those with adjustable functions we will be able to find one to meet your needs.
When using electric devices, we provide thorough assessment of learning abilities (functional), processing management of the wheelchairs. We do this to keep you, and those around you safe - whilst giving you the most freedom possible.
Scooters are electric “assistive devices” that assist people with transport. As individuals, we live different lifestyles and have specific needs, therefore, it is important that your scooter is the right match for you.
Depending on your individual needs and environment, a scooter may be the perfect transport type for you. It is the role of the Occupational Therapist to complete an assessment and determine whether a scooter is the most appropriate option for you.
If decided that using a scooter is safe and something you would like to have, the therapist will order the scooter and begin practise on how to start it, drive it and charge it. This scooter training will take place around your local area and with your therapist, to ensure you are confident prior to driving your scooter out on the roads.

If you are a passenger with mobility challenges, your vehicle may need to be modified. For some, this may be an adapted seat-belt for safety or a platform step to help you up getting in and out of the vehicle..or even a wheelchair accessible vehicle...
Our Occupational Therapists may complete an assessment to find suitable modifications that meets all the legal and safety requirements. As vehicle modifications can be costly and difficult to complete, our therapists can assist in finding the right modifications for you. Based on your lifestyle, financial and family situation, we can assist you to work out what your transport needs and negotiate the vehicle supplier space and ensure the modifications will meet your needs.

Sometimes it is just the basic things, like getting into your own home which is the thing some of our clients want. Home access could be looking into temporary options, ramping, external lifts or even landscaping.
Just because we are talking access, we don't need to be thinking "ugly"!

Once completing a home environment assessment and depending on your living arrangements, it may be recommended to consider minor changes in your home to make tasks easier for you. These small changes are called “minor modifications” and can include the installation of handrails, hand-held showers and power point relocation.
If you choose to accept the recommendations, the Occupational Therapist will complete drawings, a cost estimation and report. Once the agreed modifications are installed by a registered professional, the therapist will review the work to ensure it has been installed as recommended and assists you in the way you require and desire.
Our bathroom is an extention of us... and we would like to think yours is as well.
At Reclaim, we provide a statewide consultative service for home modifications and focus on making a functional bathroom that also fits your needs and your families.
We work both within the funding guidelines and support you through designing a bathroom which will last you the next 20 years - and not look like a hospital!

Following an accident, illness or with age, we may not be as independent as we used to be or would like to be. This is where we come in.
An Occupational Therapist will assess your ability to perform the daily tasks you wish to improve on. Working together on your goals, the therapist may provide education and recommendations on safe and efficient ways to perform such tasks. Some tasks you may want to work could include safety at home, in the community, or increasing accessibility and independence in performing these tasks.
This therapy will be completely individualised depending on what you want to work on and the therapist will tailor this to you.
With more people over 65 dying from falls related injuries each year than the national road toll - our Reclaim Team is dedicated in assessing for falls prevention and reduction.
People can experience falls for all kinds or reasons, irrespective of age... and we see falls prevention stratagies kinda like house insurance - you jolly hope you never need it... but we don't wait to get insurance to after the house burns down...
The best insurance is insurance you never end up needing... and falls prevention... if undertaken before a fall... can prevent one from ever occuring...
It isn't surprising then, that the #1 predictor of a fall.... is having a previous one.. so If your one fall down, then lets prevent another!

The NDIS and other funding officers often look to Occupational Therapists to provide information on consideration during the acceptance of grants. Whether it is funding you would like to apply for or funding that has been rejected in the past, our therapists will support you to achieve it, or if appropriate, look for alternate solutions.
A lot of the time the applications can be confusing, and forms can be complicated to fill out and this is where we can help. We can work with you to build a successful application that will create more opportunities for you. Our therapists are experienced in advocating for health and disability and can assist you in your application for a variety of different grants.